Monday, September 26, 2011

Escapade...@ Running Away?

Brain scattering :

By now...he shud be on the flight and ready to take off.... Hong Kong will be the destination. Ahh bored!..Padahal baru je like one hour ago we stopped texting. You know how I just hate to say goodbye...hehe~ sbb tuh I biarkan conversation tuh sangkut camtu...and you know by yourself that I'm gonna missing having you around. Even you made me stress, laughing out of itu la En.Meow2 saya...;P

Have a good trip...sila snap pic beribu2...and please2 jgn sampai your memory card corrupted lagi...nages lagu korea u tuh pun I takleh nk tolong...jauh ni...hikhik...
GO...... clear your mind clear your heart...but at least I know you can smile effortless. Either you wanna run away or it just your short escapade...I don't care...As long you return in one piece happily okeh..
Okey pengakuan dibuat disini, of course I akan 'ter'rindu you....sape nk gosip ngn I 24 hours ni...and kritik org ngn sgala xbersalahnye for one whole week..Haih...;P

Take care Meow2....heheh~ Mengada! Makan la...

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